Welcome! Class blog info, plz read.
Hello Class!
Welcome to Sequential Illustration. This is our class blog where we will share our work prior to each class meeting to allow for easy reading and critique. If you are using traditional materials you are still expected to scan and upload your comic so that I can follow your progress! Final pieces must be uploaded both here, as well as onto canvas for grading.
To make it easier to sort through posts please follow the following conventions:
Title your posts
Assignmentnumber Status Studentname
(example: 1 pencils HayleyTK)
Label your work with:
studentname, assignmentnumber studentname
(example: hayleytk, 1hayleytk )
I will also be posting class info here as well as on canvas to ensure that we're all on the same page!
School ruuuuuules \m/
Prof Hayley
(p.s. Muffin bird has nothing to do with anything, plz disregard. Or don't. Muffin bird!)